[ [ [ VFX - Showreel 2012 - Yannis Lehuédé

A set of my digital visual effects for various projects(short-films, shooting savings, animatics...) up to end of the year 2012.

Here are some illustration shots:

Virtuelles Glas in der Postproduktion hinzugefügt (vorher/nachher)
Detail des virtuellen Fensters (vorher/nachher)
(You can find more explaination about this shot in the article of blog Adding a window in post-production, in french)


Focus wieder auf den Ring (vorher/nachher)
(You can find more information about this shot in the article Ring "re-focus", in french)


Telefon in der Post eingeschaltet (vorher/nachher)
(More about this shot Phone lightening, in french)


Leuchtender Ring (vorher/nachher)
Ring in der Post poliert (vorher/nachher)
(More information about this shot Ring shining in the blog, in french)


Nägel feuerten als Partikelwolke
Nägel (3D-Partikel), die an Zielbriefe gesendet werden
(More information about this film title shot with 3D particles in the blog, in french)


Anzeigeelemente für Schallwellen
Partikel und endgültiger Plan der visualisierten Schallwellen
(More information about the shots covering sound-wave visualisation in the blog, in french)


More of my early VFX and 3D works and experiments can be explored on my blog "digital special effects", but all articles are in french!